“The Graticule Ruby gem makes it super easy to geocode addresses using multiple services. One thing…”

“The Graticule Ruby gem makes it super easy to geocode addresses using multiple services. One thing I’ve found in developing Unthirsty is that sometimes a geocoding service either fails to be reached or the address couldn’t be found. So as a precaution, I’ve set up a way for Graticule to failover to another service if a lookup fails. Here’s how.”

via mattking.org

“The Graticule Ruby gem makes it super easy to geocode addresses using multiple services. One thing I’ve found in developing Unthirsty is that sometimes a geocoding service either fails to be reached or the address couldn’t be found. So as a precaution, I’ve set up a way for Graticule to failover to another service if a lookup fails. Here’s how.”

via mattking.org