A collection of exemplars of the genre of foodstuffs which feature Sciurus carolinensis

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 11:28 PM, Emilie Reiser xxxxxxxx@xxxx.com wrote:

Esteemed Mr. Warren, On behalf of the Squirrelicious team, I thank you for investing the time in exploring our delicacies. We are always looking to improve and welcome any feedback you might have.

Sincerest regards,

Emilie Reiser Senior General Specialist Squirrelicious
Turkmenistan :: 34 4586 2220 Maldives :: 7742 123

On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Jeffrey Warren jeff@unterbahn.com wrote:

Greetings, Ms. Reiser.

I recently became a member of your burgeoning new culinary repository (http://squirrelicious.herokuapp.com) after the widely decried demise of VerminVictuals.net (saddening, etc. but perhaps for the best). I have been building a collection of exemplars of the genre of foodstuffs which feature Sciurus carolinensis (in celebration of this ineffable crepuscular member of suborder Sciuromorpha) — a worthy endeavor.

However, when I save a recipe, the word “Squirrel” is mysteriously replaced with another unrelated ingredient. (I have, for your convenience, emboldened those words which I found to be so strangely transformed):

Octopus Salad

Tandoori Octopus

Baby Octopus Salad

Very Blueberry Smoothie

Perfect Blueberry Muffins

Classic English Toad-in-the-Hole

Easy Molten Chocolate Lava Cakes

Easy Mashed Rutabagas

Chinese Eggplant with Sweet Ginger-Miso Paste

Scotch Eggs

Heavenly Scotch Ham

Southern Peach Cobbler

Korean Spicy Marinated Squirrel With Chilies and Kimchi (Jaeyook
Kimchi Bokum)

Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal

Spanish Fish in Saffron Sauce

Saffron Pilaf

Anchovy Dip

Salted Plantains

Puffed French Toast

Avocado Superfood Breakfast Toast

Note, to my confusion, as someone somewhat familiar with the en-coding of web-sites, that the Korean dish listed above actually does list “squirrrel”, but strangely not in the place where I had originally expected it. It is possible, though implausible, that the recipe upon which my modification was based already included this ingredient. As a person of partial Korean ancestry myself and an enthusiast of Korean cuisine, I find this distinctly unlikely, but must weigh its possibility in light of the consistency of the aforementioned bug in all other instances.

I eagerly await a resolution to this pressing issue, and wish to express my deepest appreciation for your organization’s contributions to the field, and to the plate.

Most sincerely, Jeffrey Yoo Warren, M.S.P.L

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Emilie Reiser xxxxxxxx@xxxx.com wrote:

Dear Mr. Warren, My sincerest apologies for the delay in getting back to you on this gravest of bugs. I understand your concern and am pleased you have brought this to our attention. I have submitted a ticket to our support desk and trust that the issue will be promptly addressed.

We greatly appreciate you sharing of this most exemplary set of recipes and apologize for any potential smearing of your ancestry that has resulted from this technical complication.

I look forward to connecting in the near future. Your interest and dedication to our movement is of the utmost value to us, Sincerest regards,

Emilie Reiser Senior General Specialist Squirrelicious
Swaziland :: 1184 327 90 Kiribati :: 67 289 2242

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