Instiki: add an auto redirect to the default web

I have a few Instiki instances out there: and – and the Grassroots Mapping wiki now has two ‘webs’. Initially when I added a second web, the front page at began showing a list of webs instead of the HomePage of the main web… if you’re an Instiki user you’ll know what I’m talking about. You can see the page I saw here:

Instiki allows you to define a DEFAULT_WEB in your /config/environment.rb, but it won’t redirect the web root to that web’s HomePage, which would seem to be the point. Darn. So I forked and patched Instiki on Github, adding the following code to replace line 26 of /app/controllers/wiki_controller.rb:

      if defined? DEFAULT_WEB
        @web_name = DEFAULT_WEB
        redirect_to :action => 'web_list'

Now if I go to, I see the HomePage of my default web. Hooray!

Update: OK, my bad. This is unnecessary:

As distler pointed out on Github, defining DEFAULT_WEB should work out of the box. Why didn’t it work for me, I wondered?

Well, I put the line:

DEFAULT_WEB = 'wiki'

in environment.rb, but I put it OUTSIDE the do |config| block. Putting that line inside that code block solved my problem.

I’m leaving this all up for future generations to learn from my mistakes. (Most likely me in a year or so.)